
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Month 20 Status Report...and Bonus News!

So another month comes to an end, or near enough that I can put up this post. I didn't do much this month in terms of longer films, but I certainly hit the rarities and hard-to-find films pretty hard, which is a good thing. I also had a bit of an uptick in the total number of films watched this month compared with the two previous. All good. Heading into the last third of the year, I need to stay at about 23 per month to end the year at the (soon to be updated) halfway point, which puts me close to on pace to finish by the end of 2013. However, I'll soon be watching more and more films that don't appear on The List at all because of the news below.

So here's the news: you can now officially find me as the co-host of The Demented Podcast every other week along with Demented Podcast originator Nick Jobe. We've only done one cast so far, and our first podcast with a guest is a couple of days away (and about 10 from broadcast), but so far the fit feels pretty good, and we have a good crop of guests lined up for the coming weeks and months. So listen in!

I hope to have more news soon about something else entirely.

Oh, and if you have the time check out this latest article of mine. They spelled my name wrong (of course), but I'm happy for the publication credit.


  1. That's a lot of movies for such a long period of time! Keep up the good work Steve.

  2. Slowly but surely. Y'know, this would be a lot easier if I didn't have that whole "employment" thing to deal with.

  3. Congrats! But beware, other movies not on the list is a slippery slope. To date, as I approach 400 reviews from the 1001 list, I have also reviewed 320 not on the list - if I'd only stuck with the list i'd almost be there ;)

    But realistically, reviewing other movies is a nice break, besides your going to watch them anyway - so why not review them. Good luck with the Podcasts, sounds fun!

  4. So far, I really haven't deviated from the list. My plan is to finish the list (with yearly maintenance), and then start reviewing everything else.

    Oh yes, I have a plan.

  5. Congratulations, and I'll definitely be checking out The Demented Podcast. Sounds intriguing (and it's always nice to get in on the "ground floor" with a new show!). Best of luck to you!

  6. Downloading The Demented Podcast on iTunes now. I see it's listed as ep. #21 on iTunes, but the show notes do state that the most recent entry kicks off a new format. Looking forward to checking it out.

  7. Yep--Nick did 20 episodes on his own, then took a break and decided he wanted to find a cohost. Coincidentally, I was looking to start a podcast. It seemed like a natural fit. Nick was gracious enough to incorporate some of my ideas (like the questions for guests).

    Really, it's Nick's baby and I'm fortunate enough to get to be a part of it.
