
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Month 25 Status Report

So I missed putting this up last night.

January was a good month. I located a number of movies I couldn't find in the past and watched a few of them too. I also knocked out a set of foreign films, which always take more concentration, and are thus more difficult to work into my schedule.

Even better, I'm currently at 500 films to go. That's a pretty good milestone. The goal for the rest of the year is essentially 25 films per month, so February is going to be a little tough because it's short.


  1. Nice work! Congrats on getting to the half way mark. I wonder how many other 1001 bloggers have gotten that far?

  2. Of course, when new films are added every year, "half-way" is a bit of a moving target. I'm just happy I'm not including editions published specifically for other countries. This list is more than enough.

  3. Great job Steve!! I'm stalled a bit at the moment myself - over 30% of the way but trying to change things up a bit to keep the interest up - thanks for the motivation!

  4. I've found that when I get stalled, it's a good idea to revisit a movie I know I really like. That's why there are little runs of classic, familiar movies every now and then.

  5. Keep the good work!!

    I have captured your post of Nashville reviews in my weekly recap here:

  6. Congrats. At some point in the last couple of months you passed me because I was somewhere in the 400s when last I checked and I haven't seen many films since then that would probably be in the list.

  7. Do you know about the 1001 Blog Club? It's worth a look, and if you're watching the movies anyway, it's nice to see others' opinions.

  8. Thanks. I took a quick look at the site. I've bookmarked it for future reading. A clarification - Unlike you, I have not made a concentrated effort to track down the movies on the list. I bought the book several years ago (the 2003 edition, I believe) and I've marked off in it which movies I have seen. I take it down a few times a year and flip though it to update it. (Talk about being analog in a digital world, huh?) I admire your perserverence on finding some of these obscure films.

    I have other lists I have been working from that sometimes crossover - diverse ones such as all the Best Picture winners (and now all the nominees for Best Picture), the IMDB year end Top 250 lists which I have been saving since 1998 - Tokyo Story just popped on this year, movies with the highest number of votes on IMDB that I have not seen, and movies I see mentioned on blogs or other critics lists. The last couple of weeks I have been plowing through as many 2011 movies as I can get my hands on, especially the Oscar nominated ones, so that I can put together some hopefully intelligent opinions on the Oscar winners and my personal Top 10 for 2011.

  9. My goal is to be essentially done with the 1001 List in about two years. Based on my searching, there are likely to be a couple of dozen films that I just can't get within that time frame. But when I get close--within a couple of percentage points of the complete list, I probably will switch to some other lists--like Best Picture nominees--to keep going.

    I've put a little thought into that, and there's an idea gelling somewhere in the back of my head.

    The 1001 Blog Club is a good forum to see a lot of other opinions on particular movies. I don't (especially recently) put up the week's review every week, but it does give me some place to see where I stand on particular opinions with other reviewers/critics. There are a number of people there who aren't dedicated to the list, but see enough crossover in what they watch that they put a review now and then.

  10. I've applied to join the 1001 club and submitted the reviews that I have for the films already archived.

    If/when you want it, I have a spreadsheet already built with every single Best Picture nominee listed. (It doesn't have the other categories in it, though.) Unless we get lucky, there will be no way to ever see every nominee because one of the nominated films (1928's The Patriot) is lost. No known copies exist.

    I've also seen at least one blog going through the They Shoot Pictures Don't They list of 1,000 movies. That blogger isn't writing full reviews like you are here, though, just capsule reviews.

  11. I wish I could write capsule reviews. Sadly, I write like I eat--far too much and poorly.
