
Friday, November 30, 2012

Month 35 Status Report

I'm happy November is over. I fell drastically behind this month, taking out only 21 films, far short of my stated goal of 25. Additionally, two of those films were shorts that combined added up to less than an hour. Oh, well. Not every month can be a winner.

I stand at 262 films to go. The goal for December is to finish the rest of the movies still to go between numbers 100 and 199, the three latest additions I haven't seen, and the remaining films longer than three hours. Anything beyond that is gravy.

Overall, I'm still right where I want to be. More importantly, I now have access to all of the remaining films on the list, which is a huge load off my mind. Here's to finishing the year strong!


  1. The holidays take up a sizable chunk of time from any schedule. Even I stopped watching movies for a while around Thanksgiving.

    I just got a whole box of DVDs from Siobhan so guess how I'm starting off this month. Now all I have to do is continue to make friends with people who own DVDs I haven't seen yet, and who need some of the hard to find films, and each month I can keep up this arrangement I've had with the two of you. :-)

    1. Agreed. There were a number of times during November that I just couldn't muster up the will to watch something.

      I've tried to alert a couple of others about your cache of film-y joy. You may get another person contacting you in the near future.

    2. Colby Mann and I have exchanged a couple of emails, if that is who you were thinking of.

  2. Nice that the films you want to see are available to you. I've had a good (and expensive) month of watching new releases, I didn't love all of them, but it was nice to see the ones I had been anticipating. Have a great December!

    1. And you as well. It's a good month to catch up, since most places shut down for at least the last week of the year. I'm looking at a few days of movies and more movies in a couple of weeks.
