
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Month 44 Status Report

August turned into quite a solid month for me. I started the month with 57 films to go, and with another review late tonight, I'll finish with a mere 29. I got through about half of the remaining films. Better, I've managed to get myself into a position where only about one in three is a subtitled film, since those films require additional concentration on my part.

With only 29 films left (or 29 films after tonight), at the rate of a film a day, I'm done in September. As mentioned last month, I'm not going to finish, though, since the list expands by 50 more films in early October. No, instead I'll make a few predictions on films I expect will be in the next version while still knocking out most of the remainder on the current list.

The bigger question is what follows my finishing. I haven't come to any decisions yet--there are several possible places I could go. It will depend on several factors. Then again, I don't have to make that decision until late November at the earliest.

See y'all next month.


  1. CAH-RAZY. You go with your bad self. Chip's waiting to congratulate you at the finish line!

    (I can't wait for the new edition.)

    1. Yep yep. I'm very much interested to see what the put in. And really I wish they had consulted me, because if 28 Days Later is still snubbed, ahminabe pissed.

  2. You also knocked off a couple of decades, as well as many of the longest films you had remaining, so congrats.

    Has that channel (was it the Sundance Channel?) broadcast any more films that aren't in the current list?

    I suppose you could review Toy Story 2 and 3, since you've said you've learned the trilogy will be added. That makes me wonder if they'll do other trilogies as single entries (i.e. Star Wars, Apu, etc.) At least with The Lord of the Rings it could be rationalized by the fact that it really is one, single, continuous story that just happens to be broken into three parts.

    1. I'm also a single film away from completing the 300s. That should happen in the first week of September.

      It is Sundance Channel. The Dirty Dozen is the only one I've noticed that wasn't a List standby. The next three are Traffic, The Bridge on the River Kwai, and The Hurt Locker. So I guess they aren't perennial classics, but they've all been on every version they've been eligible to be on.

      I do plan on watching the two Toy Story films (makes a natural double-feature, too) in September. There are a couple of others I'm going to try to watch before the release of the new edition, since there are three or four others that are virtual guarantees.

      I wondered the same thing about the trilogies. I'd imagine that if they do anything like that, Star Wars and Apu are natural picks. So are the two Godfather films. I kind of object to it, though. It does work well for LotR because it is all one story, and I can kind of see it for the others. In a lot of cases, though the stories are different enough that they warrant their own entry.

    2. Eh, in re-reading, it could be interpreted that I've said River Kwai isn't a perennial classic. That should've read "They aren't all perennial classics..."

    3. I object to any films being combined into single entries - not strongly, but it bugs me. I just see it as the editors taking the easy way out by picking more films than their self-imposed limit. I see it most often in Top 100 lists, which tend to go a few over.

      They might also combine some duologies like Kill Bill 1 and 2. They've already done that with Dr. Mabuse the Gambler 1 and 2, Olympia 1 and 2, and Ivan the Terrible 1 and 2. The latter is the most egregious example of combining two completely separate movies. Of course, if it means they add the Jean de Florette/Manon of the Spring duology then I might be for it since it at least gets them on the list. :-)

      Ultimately, the 50 new entries might turn out to be something like 55 new movies.

    4. I understand your position. I don't mind it too much with LotR because I'm a fan of viewing the film as one continual thing. Then again, they could easily do the same thing with the Back to the Future films or the Bourne films. At some point, it does come across like dirty pool.

  3. I'm more than impressed. Congrats!

    I am also interested to see what direction the book goes in with the new edition in October.

    1. I'm usually a little leery of the new edition because I'm never sure of their criteria, but I am genuinely excited to see some older films added in. I just hope they get it right.
