
Saturday, November 5, 2022

What I've Caught Up With, October 2022

October is horror movie month, of course, which makes the non-horror movies I watched a little bit anomolous. I've already got a stock of reviews done for next year's 10-day review fiesta (horror movie month, after all), but I didn't just watch horror movies. I removed a bunch from the big list in October, and it was a bit of a mixed bag in terms of how I liked them.

What I’ve Caught Up With, October 2022:
Film: The Outsiders (1983)

There’s an entire generation that grew up on The Outsiders, and I somehow missed it. This is a basic coming-of-age story about a group of underprivileged kids dealing with the kids who have everything, a story that gets told and retold over and over. What is most notable here is the cast of young actors who went on to major careers—C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio, Matt Dillon, Patrick Swayze, Emilo Estevez, Rob Lowe and Tom Cruise make up the Greasers, with Diane Lane and Leif Garrett heading up the Socs, the privileged kids. It’s not bad, but you can tell right away where it’s going. That said, it’s easy to see why it’s beloved by the people who see it at the right age. Stay gold, Ponyboy. Do it for Johnny.

Film: Lean on Me (1989)

Lean on Me is the story of Joe Clark (played by Morgan Freeman), a high school principal in New Jersey who used controversial methods to turn his school around. Those controversial methods included chaining the doors shut and a lot of authoritarianism. This is supposed to be an inspiring story of the power of belief in the youth and of hard work, but it really seems a lot more like a movie about the power of fascism to force results. Yeah, Clark got results. Mussolini made the trains run on time, too. Our bad guy here is played by the velvet-voiced Lynne Thigpen, who is shown as unreasonable when she seems to be the only reasonable one in the real world.

Film: Five Broken Cameras (2011)

It can be really easy to be pro-Israel until you really start looking at the settlements and what Israel has done—illegally according to their own laws—to the Palestinian people. A two-state solution is so clearly the best choice, and it won’t happen because of religious ideas around which god promised what land to which people. People ask me why I’m anti-religion, and Five Broken Cameras, the documentation of the peaceful protest and violent response in the Palestinian village of Bil’in documented by farmer Emad Burnat, is a strong case against Israel. Peace is possible, but not if everyone involved continues to have their heads up their own god’s ass.

Film: Hobson’s Choice (1954)

Hobson’s Choice is kind of the opposite of King Lear. An authoritarian, drunken shoe shop owner (Charles Laughton) has three daughters he rules with an iron fist. Alice (Daphne Anderson) and Vicky (Prunella Scales) he would like to marry off but doesn’t want to pay anything for their weddings. His third daughter, Maggie (Brenda de Banzie) is told she’s too old to marry. She reacts by essentially strongarming his best bootmaker (John Mills) into marrying her. It takes a slightly serious turn when the old man’s alcoholism becomes a plot point, but it’s really about Maggie demonstrating that she’s twice the business person her father ever was, and her husband eventually figures out it’s best to just do what Maggie says. It’s fun and a lot more charming than I expected.

Film: Tales from the Script (2009)

If you love movies, eventually you start watching movies about movies. Tales from the Script is the musings of a group of around four dozen screenwriters of varying levels of fame and success. They talk about breaking in, staying in, dealing with directors and producers, and having things that they have spent years working on torn up in front of them and reformulated by other people. It’s a mellow documentary—this is just people talking about their job, essentially—but it’s also really fascinating, especially if you love movies. If you’re reading this, you love movies. This is not revelatory in any real way, but it is light and charming and often funny.

Film: Brassed Off (1996)

Brassed Off has aged very badly. I like the story about a group of plucky coal miners fighting for their coal pit and their local brass band, but in a world where coal is never going to be seen as a viable option for energy any more, it’s hard to root for the coal. I’m on the side of the workers, absolutely, but an industry that kills its workers young and pollutes the world around it is a hard sell for me. It’s a dandy role for Pete Postlethwait and a nice pre Star Wars role for Ewan McGregor, but seriously, even though it’s sad to see an industry die, coal really needs to go. The music is good, though.

Film: Fort Apache the Bronx (1981)

Fort Apache the Bronx is the story of a couple of cops (Paul Newman and Ken Wahl) and their new precinct captain (Ed Asner) working in the most aggressive and problematic precinct in New York. The cops are essentially seen as the enemy and feel like their precinct house is a fort in hostile territory. This is a story about corruption, racism, frustration, and anger. It’s also about police brutality and the thin blue line. In a lot of ways, this is reminiscent of a film like Serpico, but a lot more bleak and a lot darker. And, as usual, we’ve got 56-year-old Paul Newman paired up romantically with 23-year-old Rachel Ticotin. I hate that trope so much. Pam Grier as a heroin-addicted hooker and Danny Aiello as a dirty cop round out the cast.

Film: Clerks II (2006)

The first Clerks was good, but suffered from the fact that about half of the cast couldn’t act. The addition of Rosario Dawson to the cast of Clerks II is a huge improvement in that department. While this lacks the indie charm of the first movie, this is a better movie in the sense that there is actually a plot to this one. It’s hard not to enjoy this, and while it is crude, it’s also very funny. A lot of the main cast hasn’t done much beyond the Clerks movies—Brian O’Halloran, Jeff Anderson, and Jason Mewes in particularly—and that actually enhances the Clerks universe.

Film: After Yang (2021)

The best science fiction asks the question of what makes us human. The very best science fiction doesn’t completely answer the question. After Yang approaches this, and does so with a story that is melancholic and sweet. In this future story, adoption from China is very common, and many families also purchase an artificial child to keep their adopted child connected to their culture and to provide companionship. When the movie starts, Yang (Justin H. Min) has malfunctioned, and his sister Mika (Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja) is distraught. Mika’s parents (Colin Farrell and Jodie Turner-Smith) look for a way to fix him, but discover Yang had a past life before he entered their family. Slow and dreamy, it manages to overcome my natural tendency to dislike Colin Farrell.


  1. I just bought a new Blu-Ray of The Outsiders in its Complete Novel version which I have yet to see. It's a film I grew up on. Lean on Me is another film I grew up on and liked whiel also enjoyed Brassed Off and Clerks II. Hobson's Choice is an incredible film as I'm now one feature and one short film from completing David Lean's filmography.

    1. There were some good ones this month. Hobson's Choice was a real surprise.

      According to Letterboxd, Lean did 18 films. I've seen 11 of them.

  2. I agree about The Outsiders being special to people who saw it at a certain age and less so to those who didn't. I wasn't that golden age when it came out and I thought it was an enjoyable, sort of impressionist viewing experience with a solid cast of actors clearly on their way up but it's never held a special place for me. I tried to watch it a couple of years ago and it struck me as sort of affected.

    I LOVE Hobson's Choice! Laughton and John Mills are terrific, the story relatable and Brenda de Banzie forever! She really should be better remembered, a very interesting and sharp actress.

    The industry that Brassed Off is centered around is troublesome but if you substitute it with any other industry that is the life blood of its town that is being taken away the story is strong, the music glorious and the acting across the board excellent.

    I saw Fort Apache the Bronx so long ago I don't recall the particulars of the film, though I did think it was an unusually brutal film for a star of Newman's stature at the time. I remember not loving it and I've never had any desire to watch it again.

    I'll have to track down Tales from the Script. Sounds up my alley.

    1. The Outsiders is a lot like Catcher in the Rye or The Breakfast Club in the sense that you need to encounter it at the right time. If you don't, you might still like it, but it will never really resonate with you.

      You're right about Brassed Off. Make that about a factory town and my opinion of it changes a lot. Fort Apache the Bronx was very nihilistic, which was not what I was expecting.

      Hobson's Choice was the class of this month.

  3. I really want to see After Yang. I plan on doing a trial run of Showtime soon because it looks like it has that, The Humans, and The Novice which I'd like to see.

    1. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. It asks the right questions and is smart enough to only hint at the right answers.
