
Saturday, October 21, 2023

Ten Days of Terror! Here We Go!

It’s that time of year again, and while I don’t post as much as I used to, I’m starting to post at least a little more regularly. Nothing, though, will stop me from posting a ton around Halloween, the true greatest holiday of the year, at least for some personal reasons. And so, once again, 40 posts in the next ten days, four posts per day.

Like the last couple of years, I’ve themed the days (at least I’ve themed nine of the ten. I don’t actually plan any of this out—it just works that I got nine groups of four, with a catch-all category at the end. Here’s what’s coming in the next 10 days:

10/22/23: Bloodsuckers
The Addiction
Lust for a Vampire
Return of the Vampire

10/23/23: Old School Monsters
Murders in the Rue Morgue
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)
The Werewolf
The Lodger

10/24/23: Brains! Brains!
Zombie Strippers
Juan of the Dead

10/25/23: Modern Horrors
The Harbinger (dir. Will Klipstine)
The Harbinger (dir. Andy Mitton)
Haunted Mansion

10/26/23: It Came from Outer Space!
Galaxy of Terror
Earth vs. the Flying Saucers
The Fourth Kind
Island of Terror

10/27/23: Exploring Death
Horrors of the Black Museum
Last House on Dead End Street
The Shout
Psychomania (The Death Wheelers)

10/28/23: Those Wacky Foreigners
Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key
The Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism

10/29/23: Techno Party
Revenge of Frankenstein

10/30/23: I Love the ‘80s!
Elvira: Mistress of the Dark
Basket Case
Happy Birthday to Me

10/31/23: Whatever’s Left
Devil Doll
Friday the 13th (2009)
Fanatic (Die! Die! My Darling!)
Horror shorts


  1. Man, that is a fun list of films. I hope you enjoy some of these films. Plus, having that picture of In the Mouth of Madness as that announcement makes it even better as that is the last great film that John Carpenter has made.

    1. I liked a lot of these, but some of them are straight up dogs.
