Friday, May 31, 2013

Month 41 Status Report

May was something of a disappointment in that I only reviewed 22 List films. It's not terrible, but I always shoot for 25. Ah, well.

However, June is going to be massive! With tonight's review of Serpico, I have put up 993 reviews of List films. That means sometime in the next 10 days, I will write and post my 1,000th review of a List film. That's a milestone that I wasn't sure I'd ever really hit. But I'm almost there, and will be very soon.

Shortly after I post my 1,000th review, I'll reach 1003, which means 100 films remaining. This is a more minor milestone, but still one I'm excited about. Once I get there, it's just bottles of beer on the wall and a few months to finishing.

The third milestone I'll hit in June is my 1,000th post. This is my 979th post on this blog, so sometime around the end of June, I'll hit four digits, another milestone I wasn't sure I'd achieve.

For now, though, my allergies are kicking in severely. I'm going to take a blisteringly hot shower and tuck myself into bed for the next day. See you in June.


  1. Congratulations! You are an inspiration.

  2. "Once I get there, it's just bottles of beer on the wall"

    So we can look forward to post titles being "100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, 99 Bottle of Beer on the Wall, 98 Bottles of Beer on the Wall, etc.? :-)

    It will feel really good to you when you hit those milestones. Have fun with them. Last month I belatedly thought about doing a "special" movie for my 1,000th, only to discover my count was off by one and I had already seen it. It turned out to be 1987's The Dead - a rather underwhelming movie. Oh well.

  3. I hope you saved some good ones for last. Stay indoor and see some film during the hay fever season and keep some anti histamins around.

  4. @Marie--thanks!

    @Chip--I can't think I'd be that consistent with my titling. I have no specific plans for what will be film #1000. I just know what's going to be last.

    @TSor--There are several films I know I love coming up and several I have been wanting to see for three years, so I'm good.

  5. I like your obsession about numbers and milestones great and small, I do that myself a lot ;-)

    Myself, I have been slowing down considerably for the remaining few (an even dozen, to be exact). Partly because I want to stretch the process a little, partly due to lack of time, and partly because several of the last ones are really long
