Format: DVD from personal collection on kick-ass portable DVD player (Stand By Me); Streaming video from NetFlix on rockin’ flatscreen (Hoop Dreams).

The film follows four boys on the verge of junior high in what will ultimately be the weekend that turns them from boys into men. Each of the boys is different, and each one is dealing with something specific in his life. Gordie (Wil Wheaton) is in many ways the stand-out of the group, and it is he who narrates the story (with Richard Dreyfuss in the role as narrator), telling it from his memory. Gordie is bright and comes from a good family, but it is a family touched by tragedy. Four months earlier, his older brother Denny (John Cusack) was killed in a car accident, and since that time, Gordie feels like he has become invisible, and that both of his parents feel like they’d have rather lost him than his brother. It is Gordie who tells us the story, and so the events very much come from his perspective.
Gordie’s best friend in the world is Chris (River Phoenix), a kid from a bad family and someone who seems predestined to turn out bad. He’s a tough kid with a father who drinks and with an older brother with the nickname Eyeball (Bradley Gregg), who is constantly in trouble. Chris has already started to fit himself into the mold of bad kid, having been suspended from stealing lunch money at school. Also in the crew are Vern (Jerry O’Connell), the “fat” kid who is also naïve and a little thick. His brother Billy (Casey Siemaszko) is another rotten kid who hangs out with Eyeball. Rounding out the crew is Teddy (Corey Feldman), who is a little unhinged, filled with anger, and is saddled with a father currently in a mental institution.
The plot centers around Ray Brower (Kent Luttrell), a kid who has gone missing. One day, Vern overhears his brother and another member of his gang discussing the missing kid. Billy and his friend stole a car and went joyriding, and found the body of Ray Brower about 20 miles away from town, evidently hit by a passing train. Vern tells his friends and they decide that they will go find the body and report it, becoming heroes. To do this, they’ll have to walk the whole way and camp out, but they figure it’s worth it.
And that’s really the movie. The boys walk through the woods, encounter a junkman and his “vicious” dog, a train, leeches, and more. And along the way, Gordie and Chris discover quite a bit about themselves. Chris deals with the fact that he’s too smart to be a bad kid but no one believes in him and Gordie deals with the fact that he feels like his parents don’t love him.
Stand By Me trades on significant scenes that don’t specifically move the plot forward but instead give us additional insight into the characters of the four boys. We also deal with Ace Merrill (Kiefer Sutherland), the leader of the gang of older boys who terrorize Gordie and his friends. This is not pleasant terrorization—there is a real sense that Ace is not merely a criminal in training but a fully realized sociopath barely able to keep his sinister urges in check. All of this culminates in a showdown at the body of Ray Brower in which the younger boys (particularly Chris and Gordie) are forced to make a decision that will affect them and their friendship from that point forward.
This is a marvelous film, one that it had been too long since I’d seen. I had forgotten just how good it really is, and how good the four boys are in their roles. They are good enough that I can’t think of other people in the parts. Cory Feldman, so often relegated to ridiculous sequels and embarrassing roles showed here that could, once upon a time, pull off a real role. River Phoenix brings surprising maturity to the role of Chris, yet it’s a believable maturity, one that seems natural. Wil Wheaton has a sort of emotional and moral center that makes him bigger than his slight frame. And Jerry O’Connell is so natural that it seems like he’s not acting, but simply living the script.
Stand By Me is a piece of magic, a captured moment between childhood innocence and adult experience. It is as good a film about growing up as exists.

What follows is their journey through four years of high school and the various troubles and problems they encounter as well as their triumphs. The goal of both boys, naturally, is to play in the NBA at a time (during the filming) when basketball was king in Chicago. And immediately, the two stories are as different as they are similar. Both boys attend St. Joseph on a scholarship for basketball. It’s determined that both boys are entering at about a fifth grade academic level, for instance.
But in terms of talent, it’s a very different story. Arthur ends up on the freshman team, and continues to struggle in school, not really progressing. He’s similarly immature on the basketball court. William plays on the varsity team as a freshman, and improves tremendously as a basketball player and as a student, but improves only enough to keep himself on the basketball court in many ways. A tuition increase before their sophomore year means a change in their lives. William’s family is unable to pay, but he gets assistance from a family near the school, allowing him to continue. Arthur, though, is removed from the school, which sets him back a half year, and he returns to the public school system.
And life goes on. Arthur’s homelife is turned upside down when his father leaves, and then returns a year later after spending seven months in prison. William’s father is not in his life, but he becomes a father himself. He also tears apart his knee, missing most of his junior year and reinjuring the knee in the last game of the season.
As the film continues, we the audience learn about the reality of life in the city, on the courts and in the schools. We learn, for instance, that many of the top high school players have their shoes and wardrobes essentially financed by drug pushers, who give the kids spending money. William learns at a Nike camp that college coaches aren’t as concerned with team play as they are with kids who can stand out.
Where Hoop Dreams succeeds is in making the lives of these kids real. It gives us a sense of the world they live in. Additionally, it shows us that the reality we all suspected all our lives is true. The kids who have the athletic talent are the ones who get special treatment. It becomes obvious at the start of sophomore year when the high school finds a way to keep William enrolled but cuts Arthur loose. The same thing happens at the Nike camp. The moment that William sustains a muscle injury, the interest in him fades. It reveals itself to be a meat market. The coaches essentially admit as much, realizing that these kids who throw themselves around the court are their meal ticket, and knowing that most of them will not make it to the pros.
It’s also evident that both of these kids have a lot of hopes and dreams riding on them as well as a lot of people who are looking to make a buck on them. It’s tragic in many ways. We see, for instance, William’s brother trying to live through him, and Arthur’s father pinning his hopes and dreams onto his son. It’s a deadly combination of expectation, pressure, and largesse from those around them. It’s a wonder any of them survive at all.
What Hoop Dreams shows us is that few of them do. The dream may survive in many kids, but for every one who makes it even to a major college program, let alone the NBA, there are hundreds who never make it past the playground and become just another person on the street. It’s noteworthy, though, that both of the young men in this film, at least as of a few years ago, have lived lives of service to their community and have dedicated themselves to providing opportunities for others.
Back in the days when I participated in sports, I was told that there would be character building and other tangible benefits of participation. Honestly, I didn’t learn anything, and I came from a high school that produced a few NFL players. Perhaps I wasn’t good enough and thus was not worth enough of the coaches’ time and effort for character building and lessons in determination. It seems, though, that William and Arthur were, and that they did learn something in spite of the crush of the meat market after all.
Why to watch Stand By Me: A bittersweet tale of childhood that sugarcoats nothing.
Why not to watch: It’s far more profane than you remember.
Why to watch Hoop Dreams: True human stories.
Why not to watch: You might not be prepared for scenes of actual knee surgery.
It's been far too long since I've seen Stand By Me as well. First watched it in High School, for english class. Love the write up :) Hoop Dreams looks pretty interesting too (I hate using that word to describe films though!) - on to the watchlist it goes!
ReplyDeleteI had pleasant memories of Stand By Me going in, but had forgotten just how good it really is start to finish. As it happens, my film class voted for it for their final--I had to watch it so I could write the test. I have to say they chose well.
ReplyDeleteHoop Dreams, based as it is in the inner city and basketball, is extremely American. That's not a good or bad thing, but it's a true thing.
I saw Stand By Me when it first came to video. While I liked it well enough it didn't resonate with me like it seemed to do with critics. At the time I wrote this off to fact that it was nostalgia for a time before I could remember. Over the years, though, I kept hearing people talk about how much the film meant to them. I watched it again, being surprised by some of the kids I now recognized. Unfortunately, it didn't make any bigger impression on me the second time than it did the first time. Again, I don't think it's a bad film. It's just never hit home with me, I guess. (Although the leech scene has stuck with me.)
ReplyDeleteNow, Hoop Dreams. I consider this, quite simply, the best documentary ever made. In addition to the scenes you mentioned, one that stands out for me is when the mother is getting her high school diploma. She is so excited and proud of herself, and I felt the same for her - and then the camera pulls back to show that not a damn person bothered to show up to celebrate the occasion with her. That was a real gut punch.
I have to say that I've never thought of these two films together, so it was interesting to read your post on them.
Double features for me are part design and part availability.
ReplyDeleteHoop Dreams really is magnificent. While both of these kids had the careers they did in high school and beyond, what resonates with me the most is what they have done afterwards. I may not agree with all of their choices, but I respect them for what they have managed to do.
The graduation...yeah. Just yeah.
Been far too long since I watched Stand By Me, but I remember how much I loved it and the feeling in it. You make me want to revisit it. And besides, even if I'm a woman I could enjoy the coming-of-age story as much as any guy. I'm actually not particularly intrested in women about girls, sex and motherhood. I find it way more easy to identify with this kind of story. Not all girls are alike you know.
ReplyDeleteI do know that, which is why the one-gender-fits-all mentality of coming-of-age stories (wow! hyphens!) tends to bother me as much as it does.
ReplyDeleteYou won't be disappointed revisiting this. I think I enjoyed it more this time than I ever have. Of course, there's a story behind that...
I like your take on Stand By Me, even if I haven't seen that since I was in high school. You do a good job of evoking it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I'm damned envious of your productivity on this project. Good show!
I'm going to watch it again in a few days. The students in my film class voted for it to be the film for the final exam. It came down to Stand By Me or Blood Simple. Stand By Me won by a single vote.
ReplyDeleteLoved Stand by me, ever since I saw it as a kid. The overweight kid is totally unrecognizable today in the form of Jerry O'Connell!
ReplyDeleteI think it works as both a kid movie, but also due to Richard Dreyfuss' voice-over looking back, adults feel like they are taking a trip down memory lane(because its set in the past). At least that's how I look at it. Would be interesting to know if story is based on Stephen King's own childhood.
Good question. I have no idea, of course, but I'd like to think that at least part of it--the friendship part--is. Of course, I wouldn't put it past King to go on a long hike to visit a dead body, either.
ReplyDeleteThere's a lot of language in Stand By Me. That doesn't bother me (I've never been concerned about language around my kids, with some limits), but it very well may bother other people.
All the best sports movies are baseball movies. (Or so it seems to me.) I have a heckuva time even coming up with the name of a decent basketball movie. Hoosiers. There was one with Anthony Perkins about 1960 that was OK.
ReplyDeleteBut Hoop Dreams sort of changes all that. There is now a great basketball movie, even if it is a three-hour documentary. I found it kind of mesmerizing without really getting how great it was until very late in the movie. When St. Joe lost to Nazareth and William's senior-year run for the championship was cut short so early in the playoffs, I really felt his pain. I was really into the movie at that point, and trying to follow each individual game as closely as possible.
That was when it hit me just how good Hoop Dreams is. It struck me that I had been happily watching this movie for over two hours and hardly noticed the passage of time.
There are a couple of good football movies. Brian's Song comes to mind as a classic example, although you could argue it's not really a football movie. Baseball has the benefit of being timeless, though, which means that drama can be created without a shot clock or a ticking timer, and that's to its benefit.
DeleteHoop Dreams, though, is incredibly special. Not only a great basketball movie, not only a great sports movie, not only a great documentary, but a truly great film.
I usually say my favorite football movie is The Longest Yard. But secretly, it's probably Horse Feathers.
DeleteReally, the best football movies aren't about football. Brian's Song, Remember the Titans, We Are Marshall, Friday Night Lights...